Monday, March 17, 2008

I like the word "excellence".

Today I was going through the motions of my Monday morning in the office when I recieved a very much needed phone call from Marywood University. It was the Alumni Office calling to tell me I had been selected for the Recent Alumni Award of Excellence for Professional Acheivement!
Here is a blurb about the award that I took from my school's website:

Recent Alumni Award of Excellence for Professional Achievement
Award Description
This award will be given to an alumni who has demonstrated significant professional achievements within 10 years of Graduation from Marywood University (Undergraduate and Graduate).
Award Criteria
-Excellence in service to community locally, nationally and/or globally by applying the Core Values of Marywood University in their day to day lives.
-Excellence in achievement in their professional lives by utilizing their education and experiences at Marywood University and serving as a role model for current and future students and alumni.
-Excellence in dedication to serving the Marywood Community thereby encouraging others to witness the potential of becoming active and serving the institution through example.
-Excellence in leadership by displaying the ability to live responsibly in a diverse and interdependent world.

I was very excited to learn I was nominated and won this award, especially because I was told it is very competitive. The award ceremony is in May during Reunion Weekend. I better work on my speech! ;-)

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