Tuesday, March 4, 2008

From Artlives Studio

I'm taking a new class that my Yoga Studio is offering - The Channeling Art Workshop.
The Channeling Art Workshop aims to help students to connect with and record personal journeys. Students will be guided through the process of unearthing their creative / spiritual self through symbolism; develop and demonstrate the ability to express their visual / aesthetic sense of design; use color, texture, images and symbols to explore their own visual language.
With one class down, I'm hooked. My teacher is Nadine LaFond and she is amazing. Her statement pretty much sums up how intriguing she is as an artist and a human being: "Making art for me starts with those moments in Life that immediately strike me as lessons. When the underlying tale begins to emerge, I simply follow that energy."
I can not wait for the next 5 weeks of this class!

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