Saturday, October 1, 2011


Up until two weeks ago, I had been a Blackberry lover. I swore I would never give up my key board. I didn't care what all the other kids were doing...I stood strong with my phone! "Look at your small screen," they would say. "It's so cute!!" Ha! The only thing that made me secretly jealous inside...the photography apps. (I have a soft spot for photography, thanks to my dad and his old school camera collection.) Sure, I could take pictures with my camera and send them over to Photoshop and doctor them up myself...but with the iPhone there were so many options!!! Instant gratification right there on your phone! So, I finally caved. I got an iPhone...and I must say, I love it.
First stop, Instagram - a quick and easy with a variety of filters.
My very first shot was my dog, of course.
Next, Hipstamatic - brings back the look and feel of those plastic cameras from the past. With the swipe of your finger, you can change your lens, your flash, your film to create the look you want. So hip.
Then, Pinhole HD. It was the first ever camera constructed by the ancient Greeks. Embrace purposeful blurriness, extreme saturation, and darkened margins.
And this is just the beginning. The other night, my photography loving friend, Steve, introduced me to - an awesome site put together by Glyn Evans for the iPhone photographer in you. He reviews almost all photography apps as well as tips and tricks. It's great! Be prepared for this blog to be filled with all sorts of awesome shots that can be uploaded faster then you can say "one hour photo". And to think, I spent how much time in that dark room in college trying to create these same effects?? Gotta love technology.

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