Monday, December 21, 2009

Etsy called: They want you to quit your day job.

Came across a great article in the NYTimes: That Hobby Looks Like a Lot of Work
I'm brand new to Etsy, so I haven't seen the turn over that some people see, like the woman in this article - but if you've got a great product and can keep up with the demand, then you've got a great home business on your hands!!!

I have some close friends that are living proof of Etsy success all in different areas of trade:

-Tara Connell with Lefty Loops has been crocheting her brains out to keep up with the holiday demand of her adorable children's knit caps!
-Dallas Shaw with DallasShaw has been shipping out her illustrations on canvas and tee shirts nonstop!
-Kitty Wilkin with Heart of Nature is doing her best to keep her photography in stock!
With so many talented artists out there, the competition is rough! But at the same time, with so many talented artists, there is so many options to choose from!! So if you're looking for a gift this season - SHOP HANDMADE!!!!!


  1. I saw this article too! It was bittersweet I think. Inspiring yet scary at the same time.

  2. Very true! I wish to quit my day job, too! Then my shop can have more then 2 items in it!!

  3. Have just become familiar with Etsy via other bloggers and their links to either their own creations or those that they love. Still don't understand how it works completely, but really love some of the things I've seen!

  4. I highly reccommend looking into it Sallie!!! I've seen great things come from Etsy!!!

  5. idk where to write this comment coz im not cool enough for all this blogging stuff but i see ur reading amen amen amen, i want to read that!

  6. Lindsey - You're totally cool!!! I'll lend you my copy when I get it back from my friend I lent it to. It's really good! Now go follow my other blog too -!
    Love you!
