Sunday, March 1, 2009

Photo Booth

I have a small addiction to Photo Booths. I have a collection of them that were just taped all over my wall. I decided to put some order to my wall and put my collection on to a cork board (I also have a small obsession with cork boards). The oldest ones towards the top, are of my Grandmother in 1943 with her friends on the night they went to see Perry Como. There is also one from the 50s of my mom and my uncle and there are some shots from the 70s of my parents. The more recent ones are towards the bottom of me and my friends and cousins. The one in the middle is my favorite, hence why I blew it up. (Don't be fooled...I wasn't in a giant phot booth or anything.) It's of me and 3 of the 4 Cadden kids I used to babysit back in my college days. They are so adorable and just welcomed a 5th Cadden to their family! I'll have to see if we can ALL fit in the photo booth next summer. ;-) So much fun, so many memories.


  1. How cool is your collection from long ago to present! I've only done the photo booth thing maybe once in my life... apparently, I've been missing out. I do love vintage b & w pics, though, and have a collection of more tradition photos. But I definitely need to give the photo booth a try!

  2. You should...there's just something about sitting in a tiny booth with your best friends and making silly faces! :)
