Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Powershot G10

Hope everyone has had a most wonderful holiday! I feel like I've been going since early December to get orders done for the holidays along with shopping and baking for the family. Now, it's taken a head cold to knock me off my feet long enough to get out an entry here! Guess it caught up with me! Home sick today. I could hardly wait to take the chance to share my newest toy with you all!!!
The new PowerShot G10 by Cannon - 14.7 megapixels - 3200 ISO. I've never had a camera so nice.
Here are some cool shots I've taken since Christmas. Enjoy!

Color accenting my dog, Bailey.

Cousin Norman's Christmas Village

Riley's Christmas Portrait

1 comment:

  1. yay so glad you are using your new toy...I keep taking mine out of the box, and putting it back in. ha!
