Saturday, October 25, 2008


So, art has been put on hold for the weekend (even though I got another 2 orders yesterday for crates with a one week deadline - eek!). I've been immersed in a Yoga Teacher Training for children this weekend with Little Flower Yoga in NYC. Twenty-five hours of yoga, kids, then more yoga, and more kids. I love it! I've always had a love for children, and my love for yoga has grown stronger and stronger over the past 4 years that I've been practicing with the Yoga & Healing Center. What better way to combine the two then to teach kids yoga? I have very little early education background (my 2nd major in college) and no adult yoga teacher training, so I'm really going into this blindly. It's quite intimidating at times, but I'm adjusting and learning that people come to this practice from all walks of life. I also learnt that apparently you can combine some art therapy (my 1st major in college) into a child's yoga practice as well - how sweet for me! I'm very excited about this. Honestly, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but of course I'm going to follow through with Level 2 and 3 of the training (2009). I'm a free spirit and wherever it takes me, so be it! It is, however, giving me tons of ideas for children's yoga books!

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